Trimurti™ was created and designed by Charles W. Faulkner to make it possible to teach and demonstrate NLP techniques in a physical, 3D space. NLP techniques are easily utilized using a game board, game mat and dice specifically designed for NLP. Many of the difficulties people want to change are the result of directing their attention to elements of experience that do not contribute to their goals and/or are mixed states made up of conflicting elements of experience. When people externalize these difficulties on the game mat, these problem producing patterns often become clearly evident.

Your Active Imagination

If you are like most people, you don’t spend much time thinking about the organization of your experience. Your experience is your experience. It feels true for you even if doesn’t always feel right. And if you were to think about it, where would you start? Sometimes it sure seems like our thoughts, feelings, dreams and memories are all mixed up inside and we often don’t know which one is going to come out next. This has led many of people to believe that their ‘inner worlds’ are a disorganized mishmash of misplaced memories, feelings and desires. Nothing could be further from the truth. We are, in fact, in possession of well-organized “inner worlds” and our language demonstrates this. For instance, we think “back on the past'” and we “look forward” to the future, not the other way around. This kind of language reveals that there is an inner organization to each of us, however unconscious we are of it. Trimurti™ is designed to bring this organization of your inner world of time and space into your awareness, making your inner world available to you in a clear and simple way, providing you with the means of improving the quality of your life, now and in the future.


“If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you’ve always gotten.”

– John Grinder

“Your perceptions are accurate, and incomplete.”

– Richard Bandler

Consider this: Time can be thought of as millions of moments, but every one of these moments will fit into one of three basic time frames – the past, the present or the future. Similarly, any experience can be perceived from millions of perspectives and the only ones that can make a difference to us our are own, the others in our lives, and some objective observer. This is only three basic positions – ourselves, others, and observers. Combine these three time frames and three perceptual positions, and there are nine distinct types of experience into which you can organize every experience you have ever had or will have.

Only one of these nine types of experience is actually happening now. The other eight are either in the past or in the future, or they are the present experiences of someone else or those of an impartial observer of ourselves. The neuroscientific fact is that all our experiences are taking place in our minds, drawing to some degree on our imaginations. For example, our dreams and desires are clearly acts of imagination. We may have been inspired in our desires by what we have seen or heard in the world, and in our imagination, we make them our own. And according to recent brain research, so are our memories and fears. In fact, every thought or feeling which is not right before our eyes, is a creation or recreation of our mind/brain’s imagination. This means that much of what we take for experience is really re-experience. Which means that much of the time of our lives, we are somewhere else than here and now. And where we are is in our own individual and distinct inner worlds.


– Alfred Korzybski

The time before “now” is “past”, while the time not yet “now” is still in the “future”. Both of these worlds of time are very familiar to all of us because we can create and re-create them in our imaginations. If our re-creations are close to those of others, we are said to have a good memory. If not, we may be accused of making things up – something neuroscience tells us we have been doing all along without knowing it. Furthermore, there is only you (or me) as an experienced perceptual position. Our thoughts and feelings about what others think and feel are only real as our thoughts and feelings. This is not to deny anyone else’s experience. Everyone is in the same kind of boat. We can only directly know our own experience. The rest is imagined.

Rather than this realization being a cause for dismay, it suggests that there is a very great, largely untapped, potential in every one of us – our imagination. It is a potential that can be actualized by simply increasing our awareness of our inner worlds, that transforms itself as we transform our experience. It is a potential that suggests that one of the best, and most enjoyable paths of personal improvement is to educate our imaginations – to play in the fields of our possibilities – so all our worlds are enriched, inside and out. For this, Trimurti™ was created.

“Wherever you go, there you are.”

– Buckaroo Banzai

Trimurti Game Components

Game Board, Game Mat & Avatars

Each Perceptual Position on the game mat and on the game board,  using an Avatar, represents which person’s position you are experiencing at any given moment.

7 sets of dice are utilized in Trimurti

  • Perceptual Positions – Each Perceptual Position on the die faces represents which person’s position you are experiencing at any given moment.
  • Time Frames – Each Time Frame on the die faces represents which period of time you are experiencing at any given moment.
  • Emotions – Each Emotional icon on the die faces represents which emotion you are experiencing at any given moment.
  • Representational Systems – Each of the die faces represents which sensory modality you are experiencing most at any given moment.
  • Neuro-Logical Levels – Each of the die faces represents which level of experience you are most aware of at any given moment.
  • Content – Each of the die faces represents which characteristic of the content you are experiencing most at any given moment.
  • Number – Each die face represents Sequence, Symbol and Intensity.

For more information on Trimurti™ – The Imagination Game,
contact us using the form below.